Largs & District Horticultural Society
Privacy Notice
This Privacy Notice, in compliance with the new Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 25 May 2018, sets out how we, Largs & District Horticultural Society (LDHS) use and protect any information that you give us. We are committed to ensuring your privacy is protected and your information is handled, processed; stored and erased securely.
Your personal data – what is it?
When you either take up membership of our Society; are under 16 and enter our Flower Show; participate in special events; are a sponsor or judge or community contact you provide us with your contact information - name and address and in some cases, landline/mobile telephone number and email address. We must have parental approval for data for under 16’s. We only ask for the minimum amount of personal information we need to enable us to run LDHS effectively. We store this information securely on computer and on paper. In giving us your personal information you are giving our Society your consent to store it and to use it in the ways set out in this document.
Who are we?
Largs & District Horticultural Society (LDHS) is the data controller. This means it decides how your personal data is processed and for what purposes.
How do we use your personal data?
We will use the data that you have given us to contact you with information about our Society and it’s activities (newsletters, Show Schedules and upcoming events). If you enter the Flower Show your details will be noted on entry forms. If you win a prize your name only will be recorded on judges record sheets, certificates and prizelists. Your information is shared and processed only by appointed members of the committee and official stewards at the show.
Who do we share your information with?
We do not share your personal information with anyone else unless you have given prior permission.
How long do we keep hold of your information?
We update your details every year through our annual subscription process/at the Flower Show. If you have not renewed your membership within the year your details will be deleted if we have not received any instruction from you to the contrary. We will also delete your data if you wish us you to. We only keep personal data for as long as it is necessary and for the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice or to fulfil our legal obligations. We do not keep information for longer than we need to.
What are your rights?
You can request a copy of your personal data which we hold. You can ask us to: correct your personal information if it is inaccurate; complete your personal information if it is incomplete; restrict or deny the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances and erase your personal information. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice or the processing of your information please contact us: Data Controller at LDHS, 61 Flatt Road, Largs KA30 9EB Tel: 01475 689423
Your can find out more about GDPR at:
Information Commissioners Office Scotland, 45 Melville Street, EDINBURGH, EH3 7HL
Tel: 0303 123 1113 or Email:
Further Processing
If we wish to change how we use your personal data we will advise you and update this Privacy Notice to reflect any changes.